
  • 5 Lessons

    Acing Your Analytic Writing Test

    Passing an analytic writing test is a key gateway into both public and private-sector intelligence jobs. Take this course to find out what organizations are looking for and how best to prepare for these important events.
  • 9 Lessons

    Advanced Opensource Intelligence & Research

    This course is intended for current or aspiring intelligence professionals who want to leverage to the wealth of opensource information to build better products to run better investigations. Those who successfully complete this course will instantly become more knowledgeable and resourceful: two traits intelligence employers need and demand.
  • 28 Lessons

    Finding Your Career in Intelligence

    Successfully breaking into the world of intelligence is hard, but not for the reasons you think. In this course, Michael Cassidy walks you through everything you need to know to prepare yourself for the application process required to get into the Intelligence Community. By the end you will have the insight, the materials and (most importantly) the confidence successfully navigate the opaque and challenging process.
  • 1 Lesson

    NGOs & International Organization Career Landscape

    The course helps those looking for career opportunities among the numerous global non-profits, multi-national and international organizations by providing a proven search framework, effective techniques and helpful resources.